Home >> Nebraska Hospital Volunteer Opportunities
There are 86 hospitals in Nebraska from 65 counties.
Select from the list below to find volunteer opportunities in a hospital in the county closest to where you live.
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Latest updates to Nebraska hospital volunteer database: |
OSMOND GENERAL HOSPITAL Osmond, NE 68765 (402) 748-3393 |
Volunteer Details: Osmond General Hospital Auxiliary originated in 1946 when the hospital was only one year old and known as St. Joseph's Hospital. The ladies who formed this group set its goal as financial, service and public relations to support the hospital. Over sixty years later the goal remains the same.
Since it's beginning, the Auxiliary has held various activities to provide funds for needed items for the hospital. In 1971, the "Fall Fesitval" was begun and has become the auxiliary's major annual fund-raiser project. Since the beginning of the Fall Festival, well over $100,000.00 in the form of medical equipment and furnishings have been donated to the hospital. The "Fall Fesitval" is held annually, the second Saturday of November, in the Osmond City Auditorium. Activities include a lunch booth, sweet shoppe, craft items, a raffle, a fun auction featuring a large number of items and services to bid on and a Book Fair. Area vendors also feature their wares. The Auxiliary has members throughout the area served by the hospital. Membership is open to everyone. In addition to regular members, the auxiliary enjoys the support of many members of the community, who step forward to help with the "Fall Festival" and other major projetcs. |
BRYANLGH MEDICAL CENTER Lincoln, NE 68506 402-481-3032 |
Volunteer Details: You're invited to join the many people at BryanLGH Medical Center who give their time and talents to improve the lives of others. Opportunities abound throughout BryanLGH Medical Center for providing support to patients, families, visitors, medical staff and employees. |
GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL Kearney, NE 68848 (308) 865-7150 |
Volunteer Details: Volunteers are one of our most precious resources, and we at Good Samaritan Hospital rely on community volunteers to help us deliver the kind of services and attention our patients deserve. Volunteers assist our staff to make each patient's stay as pleasant and comfortable as possible. |
THE NEBRASKA MEDICAL CENTER Omaha, NE 68198 (402) 559-4197 |
Volunteer Details: The mission of The Nebraska Medical Center Volunteer Services is to enhance the comprehensive patient and family care experience by providing meaningful service opportunities and recognition for volunteers and to support the activities of the Clarkson Service League and the University Hospital Auxiliary. |
Volunteer Details: Give the gift of your time and talents and help patients, visitors and staff at Saint Elizabeth by becoming a volunteer. If you have questions, you may e-mail Volunteer Services now, or contact them at 402.219.7111. Saint Elizabeth volunteers are World Class. From teenagers to seniors—they make the day a little easier and brighter for patients, nurses, physicians, employees and visitors at Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center. Their cheerful and selfless presence reaches every corner of the hospital. |
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