OSMOND NE, 68765
Below is the volunteer information for OSMOND GENERAL HOSPITAL.
Contact Name: Diane HoytVolunteer Contact Phone: (402) 748-3393
Volunteer Contact Email: n/a
Volunteer URL: http://www.osmondhospital.org/volunteers/
Volunteer Information: Osmond General Hospital Auxiliary originated in 1946 when the hospital was only one year old and known as St. Joseph's Hospital. The ladies who formed this group set its goal as financial, service and public relations to support the hospital. Over sixty years later the goal remains the same.
Since it's beginning, the Auxiliary has held various activities to provide funds for needed items for the hospital. In 1971, the "Fall Fesitval" was begun and has become the auxiliary's major annual fund-raiser project. Since the beginning of the Fall Festival, well over $100,000.00 in the form of medical equipment and furnishings have been donated to the hospital.
The "Fall Fesitval" is held annually, the second Saturday of November, in the Osmond City Auditorium. Activities include a lunch booth, sweet shoppe, craft items, a raffle, a fun auction featuring a large number of items and services to bid on and a Book Fair. Area vendors also feature their wares.
The Auxiliary has members throughout the area served by the hospital. Membership is open to everyone. In addition to regular members, the auxiliary enjoys the support of many members of the community, who step forward to help with the "Fall Festival" and other major projetcs.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit OSMOND GENERAL HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
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