(562) 945-3561
Below is the volunteer information for WHITTIER HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (562) 464-6345Volunteer Contact Email: frieda.wenzara@ahmchealth.com
Volunteer URL: http://www.whittierhospital.com/About-Us/For-Volunteers.aspx
Volunteer Information: Volunteers are a vital part of Whittier Hospital Medical Center’s activities. We invite you to participate in a rewarding and worthwhile volunteer experience. Volunteer benefits include professional development, training opportunities and work experience.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit WHITTIER HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Youth Program; Adult Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Gift Shop; Nursing Departments; Visitor Services/Hospital Front Desk; Patient errands; Out-patient discharge; Ancillary departments support; Community outreach participation
Application Process: Please follow the proper procedure should you wish to be considered for the program: Fill out an application and dowload the forms (4) on this page, which include: Background Check Consent, Release of Information, Confidentiality Statement and Health Information form. You will be contacted for an interview via email or by phone. Read and sign the forms (4) and bring them with you the day of your interview. Health clearance by Infection Control Department will be required. The applicant must provide copies of the following: 1. A current TB test from within 30 days. A PPD skin test can be obtained at the Department of Health Services at 7643 S. Painter Ave. or from your own physician. 2. Proof of immunity to Rubella ( German measles), Rubeola (measles), Mumps and Varicella (chicken pox). Immunization consists of 2 (two) MMR (German Measles, Measles, Mumps and 2 (two) Varicella vaccinations or lab draw titer “igg†Rubeola, Rubella, Mumps and Varicella. *Immunity by disease history is not acceptable. Please be advised that you will be required to bring proof of vaccination the day of your interview. After all the requirements have been met, you will be invited to attend to a mandatory Volunteer Orientation and tour of the hospital. Be prepared to let us know the days you are available to volunteer, areas of interest and hours. You will also be asked to pay a $10 refundable deposit when you pick up your uniform. An ID badge will be provided to you by the Human Resources Department before your start volunteering.
We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.
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