(916) 781-1000
Below is the volunteer information for SUTTER ROSEVILLE MEDICAL CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (916) 781-1586Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Each year more than 250 men, women and teens help Sutter Roseville Medical Center fulfill its unique mission by creating a friendly atmosphere for families, friends and the community, assisting hospital personnel, and providing other services requested and approved by the hospital administration. The Sutter Roseville Auxiliary members donate tens of thousands of hours each year in service to Sutter Roseville Medical Center. They perform crucial functions around the hospital such as assisting patients and visitors at the information desk, holding fundraisers and staffing the gift shop. . For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit SUTTER ROSEVILLE MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Admitting/Information Desk; Cancer Registry; Charts; Comprehensive Cancer Center Clinic; Emergency Department; Gift Shop; Navigator; Physical Rehabilitation (SRI); Surgery Information; Inpatient Surgery Recovery; Outpatient Recovery; Nursery/Postpartum/NICU; Pediatrics
Application Process: Prospective volunteers must complete an Application Form. ONLY THOSE WHOSE APPLICATIONS ARE SELECTED WILL BE CONTACTED. Contacted applicants must attend an Informational Session, interview individually with Service Area Chairs, and complete a Background Check. If selected the applicant must attend a New Member Orientation.
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