Hospital Volunteer Network
California Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER


SAN JOSE CA, 95128
(408) 885-5000

Below is the volunteer information for SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER.

Contact Name: Christina Egan
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: SCVMC is proud to offer a wide variety of opportunities to its dedicated team of volunteers.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Dynamic and fast-paced patient care units; Inpatient and outpatient-based Occupational or Physical Therapy Services; Outpatient-based Primary or Specialty Care Clinics; SCVMC’s Surgical Patient/Family Waiting Areas; SCVMC’s Medical Library; Pharmacy Services; Spiritual Care Services
Application Process: Complete and submit the Application Form, Volunteer Agreement Form, Commitment ​Form and Volunteer Reference Form. (All four documents must be submitted together in order for the application to be processed). All information submitted on the applications is carefully screened and reviewed by the Volunteer Services Program team. Qualified applicants are contacted and interviewed by phone. Applicants who are selected to participate in this program will be notified (by phone) by the Volunteer Services Program team at SCVMC and invited to attend the next mandatory orientation session. Applicants who pass the initial phone screening will be invited to attend a mandatory 2 hour orientation session. (Orientation sessions are offered once a month). Volunteers attend a two hour session during which they learn about: The important role and responsibilities of volunteers at SCVMC; Scheduling and other key communications protocols; SCVMC’s mandatory health screening requirements and process; A detailed Health Clearance packet. Complete and submit the SCVMC Online Health Survey Form. Make an appointment for this screening at SCVMC Employee Health. Please remember to bring the following required information and documents to your scheduled appointment: Completed Health Form Clearance; Up-to-date record of immunizations. (You may want to contact your primary care provider for a copy of this information or bring a “yellow card” that lists your immunization history. This would be a record of all immunizations and the date they were administered.) Please note: Volunteers at SCVMC are required to have an annual TB screening skin test, sometimes referred to as a “PPD” test. If you have received a “PPD” in the past 12 months, please bring documentation that includes, the date the test was performed, the date it was read and the interpretation as determined by a licensed health care provider. If you have not received a PPD in the past 12 months, SCVMC will perform this screening during your Health Clearance Screening appointment. Please note: All SCVMC volunteers are required to receive an annual flu shot. Please bring documentation of this flu shot, including the date and location it was given. This information may be documented in your immunization record. If you have not received a flu shot in the past 12 months, SCVMC will provide this during your Health Clearance Screening appointment. Once the Volunteer Services Program has been notified that the applicant has successfully passed: the Health Clearance Screening, they will contact the applicant to schedule a final appointment for placement and for Security badging at SCVMC. Applicants who have successfully submitted all required application documentation and passed the Health Screening Clearance will meet with a member of the Volunteer Services Program team to discuss their interests, skills, availability, and the current needs of the Volunteer Services Program. Based on this discussion, the “new volunteer” will be offered initial placement. Following the placement interview, “new volunteers” will take a photo for their Volunteer Badge with our Protective Services team. We ask that you bring a photo ID to confirm identification. Bring $20 to purchase your mandatory Volunteer uniform.

We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.


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