(310) 825-9111
Below is the volunteer information for RONALD REAGAN UCLA MEDICAL CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (310) 267-8180Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: UCLA Health volunteers are exceptional individuals who give back to their community. Over 3000 people volunteer monthly throughout 250 departments at UCLA Health. These men, women and teenagers donate their time and share their talents throughout our hospitals, research facilities and patient care areas, bringing a special personal touch to our patients and families. The volunteer program at UCLA began in 1955, just a few months after the Medical Center officially opened. The program was designed to assist the Medical Center in its threefold mission of patient care, education, and research - and that remains the goal of the program today. The role of the volunteer is not to replace, but to supplement the regular professional staff, enabling them to provide the best medical, nursing and support services to our patients. Our volunteers are unique men and women of all ages from varied backgrounds, with different abilities and motivations behind their interest in volunteering. However, our volunteers share a common goal: an interest in helping others and a commitment to serving. The dedication, time and efforts of our volunteers are greatly appreciated by UCLA staff and patients. UCLA Health volunteers have earned an outstanding reputation for their consistently high level of professionalism. We count on our volunteers to uphold that reputation by maintaining high standards and traditions that distinguish our volunteers by their experience, talents and enthusiasm. Here you will find information on how to volunteer at the UCLA Health. We look forward to getting to know you in the coming months. As a UCLA Health volunteer, we hope you will experience the special pleasure that comes from giving yourself to help others. . For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit RONALD REAGAN UCLA MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Student Program (High School & College students); Non-Student Program (Adult); Pre-Med Summer Scholar (High School Only)
Volunteer Placements/Services: Child Life/Child Development (must be over 16 years of age); Surgical Waiting Area/Maddie's Room; Information Desk (available to non-student program only); Patient Escort/Transport; Floater Volunteer; Recovery Room
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