Hospital Volunteer Network
California Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> PORTERVILLE DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER


26501 AVENUE 140
(559) 782-2222

Below is the volunteer information for PORTERVILLE DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER.

Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: The Foster Grandparent Program offers men and women an opportunity to share their love, wisdom and support with children and adolescents with developmental disabilities or mental health needs. Foster Grandparents are 55 years or older, have a limited income, volunteer 15 to 40 hours a week, provide support, guidance, mentoring, and individualized instruction. Children and adolescents 22 years of age and under receive a warm, caring adult who understands and accepts them; encouragement and confidence; personalized assistance; and individualized instruction. The Senior Companion Program offers men and women an opportunity to share their time and talents. Senior Companions are 55 years or older, have a limited income, volunteers 15 to 40 hours a week, provide friendship, companionship, and individualized instruction. Adults with developmental disabilities or mental health needs receive a warm, caring friend; encouragement and confidence; personalized assistance; and individualized instruction.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit PORTERVILLE DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Foster Grandparents/Senior Compansions Program

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