(619) 390-9975
Below is the volunteer information for NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTHCARE - LAKESIDE.
Contact Name: Ruth ManzanoVolunteer Contact Phone: (760) 520-8324
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Volunteering at Neighborhood Healthcare not only adds valuable assistance to our patients and staff, but we believe the experience will leave a lasting and significant impression on your life as well. With many areas to serve, we match you up with a like-minded staff member that can mentor you while you volunteer. Whether you volunteer to sharpen vocational skills, complete volunteer hours for school, or to give back to the community, Neighborhood Healthcare will work with you to make sure you meet your goals and receive the benefits of volunteering during your time here. . For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTHCARE - LAKESIDE volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Administrative Tasks; Teen Program; Senior Program; Translation; Clinical (Medical); Clinical (Dental); Billing; Patient Service Representatives; Special Events and Outreach
We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.
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