(323) 409-1000
Below is the volunteer information for LAC+USC MEDICAL CENTER.
Contact Name: Gaby Hernandez-GonzalezVolunteer Contact Phone: (323) 409-6945
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:!ut/p/b1/hc5NC8IwDAbgXyTJ2nVNj61u7ZisBwVdL6MHkcE-LuLvd4IHHUhze-FJ3kCALlNSIQnJJFwhzPE53ONjWOY4vnMo-goRrTcn5pu2QE2GkWo4z222gu4bkGgNasyFJ5dne4Gp_QuEX2KJcL1wOFbOl8yWbAu2FSIF8APwz2hM_HDm0LplusEURlUP9e4FnJ3vLQ!!/dl4/d5/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS80SmtFL1o2X0YwMDBHT0JTMkc4ODAwQTBETEZIT0UyR1Qz/
Volunteer Information: The Volunteer Services Department of LAC+USC Medical Center serves the need for volunteers medical center wide. The Director of Volunteer Services works in collaboration with many hospital administrators, who have recognized the value of ancillary services, to create and operate a viable patient service delivery component for the medical center. In an effort to meet the needs of the predominately economically disadvantaged patient population of General Hospital, many special programs have been established to help provide patients with services. Because of the varied backgrounds of patients, an emphasis has been placed on meeting the needs of the culturally diverse patient population. Volunteers come from many different cultural backgrounds and speak a variety of languages. Each of these volunteers contributes significantly to the improvement of the environment of care for the patients receiving medical treatment.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit LAC+USC MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Health Career Junior Volunteers (Candy Striper Volunteers), Department of Emergency Medicine, College Volunteers, and Occupational Therapy
We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.
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