Hospital Volunteer Network
California Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> HOPE WELL CHILD CLINIC


4401 44TH ST
(916) 874-1455

Below is the volunteer information for HOPE WELL CHILD CLINIC.

Volunteer Contact Phone: (916) 875-2027
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: HHS has many types of opportunities to fit your interests and goals. We have six divisions that offer opportunities ranging in clerical, administrative, transportation, to professional programs. The County of Sacramento has a long-standing tradition of supporting volunteerism in the community. Civic volunteering fosters an opportunity to establish a partnership between community volunteers and County government. We look to our volunteers to help us improve services to our clients-children, families, seniors, and individuals throughout Sacramento County.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit HOPE WELL CHILD CLINIC volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Clerical Support Volunteer; Child Supervision; Front Office Receptionist; Foster Youth Transportation Assistant; Paralegal Office Assistant; Black Infant Health Support Group Child Supervision; Administrative/Clerical Assistant; Senior Companion Program; Retired Senior Volunteer/Foster Grandparent Volunteer programs; Quality Assurance/Fraud Unit Assistant; Clinic Office Assistant; WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Office Assistant; Public Health Education Volunteers; Public Health Medical Health Emergency Preparedness Exercise Volunteers; Public Health Point of Dispensing (POD) Manager Volunteers; Administrative Assistant; Communication Media Assistant; Gifts From The Heart Program
Application Process: 1. Reflect on the type of volunteer or internship placement you'd like. Consider what populations you'd like to work with to help. Participate in special projects? Work in an office setting? Think about what you'd like to achieve from your volunteer or student internship experience. 2. Review the volunteer and internship opportunities by category (listed on the right of this page: working with children, working with seniors, medical, administration, special events, or student internships). 3. Read each brief description. If you'd like more information on a particular opportunity, simply click on the name of the opportunity to open a link to the full job description. Review the job description carefully to make sure you can meet the schedule commitment and it matches your goals, as you identified them in step #1. 4. Once you've selected a volunteer/internship position, download a brief application. You may e-mail the complete form, along with your resume, to the VSI Office or mail it to the address on the application form. 5. The VSI Office will contact you regarding your interest once your application is received. You may also contact the VSI Office at (916) 875-2027 for information.

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