Hospital Volunteer Network
California Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER


(760) 340-3911

Below is the volunteer information for EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER.

Volunteer Contact Phone: (760) 773-1304
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Since 1970, the Eisenhower Medical Center Auxiliary has continued to make invaluable contributions to the growth and development of Eisenhower Medical Center. The Auxiliary has grown to one of the largest and most active volunteer organizations in the state, last year alone contributing more than 128,000 hours of enduring support. Significant contributions include patient and family services, public events, and fundraising activities which benefit the lives of so many in our community. Joining Eisenhower Medical Center's Auxiliary and Volunteer Services can be a rewarding experience. Whether you assist in the medical center's day-to-day operations, or provide a personal service to patients and visitors, you will represent an organization that has been invaluable to Eisenhower Medical Center for more than 40 years.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Alcohol & Other Drugs Awareness Hour; Annenberg Center; Auxiliary Office; Barbara Sinatra Children's Center; Betty Ford Center; Cancer Center; Chaplaincy Program; Collectors Corner; Critical Care; Dolores Hope Outpatient Care Building (Reception); Eisenhower Lucy Curci Cancer Center; Emergency Department; Five Star Club; Foundation Office; Gift Shops; Heart Failure Clinic; Hospital Information Desk; Human Resources; Information Systems; Eisenhower Urgent Care (Palm Springs, La Quinta, Rancho Mirage); Eisenhower Healthy Living Resource Center; Harry and Diane Rinker Building; Medical Records; Nursing Stations; Physical Therapy Inpatient/Outpatient; Pre-Op; Professional Buildings; Public Relations; Radiology Inpatient/Outpatient; Recovery; Renker Wellness Center; Same Day Surgery; Surgery Waiting Room; Uihlein Building; Volunteer Office
Application Process: To become a volunteer, simply fill out an application form at the Volunteer Office (2nd floor, main hospital building) or write to request an application. Eisenhower Medical Center, 39000 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, Director of Volunteer Services, For more information, call 760-773-1304. Upon return of your application, you will be interviewed by the Director of Volunteer Services. Prior to training and placement, you are required to attend a volunteer orientation session. Every effort will be made to place you in areas suited to your special skills or talents. Whatever your capabilities, your volunteer service will be a valuable contribution to Eisenhower Medical Center.
Comment from Corina Shearer: Hi. My name is Corina Shearer I'm working as a Medical Assistant and I would like to volunteer and help people. I prefer the surgery waiting area or pre-op surgery area, please. Thank you ! Corina S.

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