DOWNEY CA, 90241
(562) 904-5000
Below is the volunteer information for PIH HEALTH HOSPITAL - DOWNEY.
Volunteer URL: https://pihvolunteersopenings.silkroad.com/Volunteer Information: PIH Health is in need of quality, caring people to become part of our hospital volunteer family. Our volunteers are an integral part of the professional team serving the hospital community in a variety of ways. Our program offers many unique opportunities, and we are currently looking for individuals who are compassionate, enthusiastic, energetic, qualified, and committed to make a difference in not just their lives, but also the lives around them. Whether you are motivated by the desire to enrich your community, learn more about the health care field, or simply want to “give backâ€, you will find volunteering a truly rewarding and exciting experience in your life.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit PIH HEALTH HOSPITAL - DOWNEY volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteer; College Student Volunteer; High School Student Voluntee
Volunteer Placements/Services: Admitting - Clerical; Cath Lab; Central Services; Dietary; Emergency Department; Family Birth Center; Gift Shop; Laboratory; Material Management; OP Surgical Center; Physical Therapy; Radiology; Reception Desk
Application Process: Before being accepted into the volunteer program, all applicants must have an interview with a member of our Volunteer Services team. If accepted as a volunteer, the applicant will be asked to: Provide proof of two negative TB tests in a 12-month period. If you have tested positive in the past, a proof of chest x-ray within a 12-month period. The TB tests are provided at the hospital free of charge; Background check for applicants over 18 years consisting of a Social Security Trace, Criminal Check, and Sexual Offender Trace. A California driver’s license background check will be requested for volunteers who drive a tram for the hospital. If the hospital does not receive a successful clearance of a volunteer applicant’s background check, the individual’s volunteer application will be withdrawn and the individual will not be cleared to volunteer; Attend an Orientation. The agenda includes general information about the hospital and the program, training information for areas of service, ethics, competencies, policies, and responsibilities; Once the volunteer has attended an orientation, they will be assigned to their volunteer shift and receive necessary training.
We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.
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