(860) 456-9116
Below is the volunteer information for WINDHAM HOSPITAL.
Contact Name: Rebecca PutnamVolunteer Contact Phone: (860) 456-6700
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Windham Hospital Volunteers are a valuable part of the hospital staff. They add that extra touch to make a patient's stay more comfortable, and, they help to lighten the load by offering their time and abilities. As a member of the Windham Hospital team, you will become part of a volunteer legacy that spans many decades and has touched many lives.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit WINDHAM HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteers; Junior Volunteers
Application Process: 1. Applying - Complete and sign an Adult Volunteer application and health screening form (if 18 years of age or older) or a Junior Volunteer application and health screening form ( if ages 14 to 18). This application and onboarding process consists of several steps including, review of the application, interview, approval of the health screening form, background check and if approved an orientation will be scheduled. This process is also to ensure that you meet the HIPAA and compliance regulations as a hospital volunteer. Windham Hospital’s onboarding process takes approximately four to six weeks. You will only move to the next step of the process if you have successfully cleared the previous step. 2. Informational Interview - All volunteers that have successfully cleared the application process will be contacted for an informational interview to review their application and interests, be informed of the next steps in the process and obtain the appropriate paperwork, and go over any questions the applicant may have. 3. Health Requirements - Fully completed and signed health screening form. Immunization Records including: A positive varicella titer or provider documentation of history of varicella disease (chicken pox) or proof of 2 chicken pox vaccinations; Documentation of 2 MMRs or immune titers for rubella, mumps and rubella; Documentation of Tuberculin Skin Testing - per hospital employee protocol; Flu Vaccine - per hospital employee protocol (see application) - during declared Flu Season. For volunteers who require additional testing (such as chest X-Ray or titers) to complete their screening, the tests must be performed by their own primary care provider at their own expense. 4. Background Check - Background checks are only conducted on applicants 18 years or older. Once the Health Requirements have been met and approved by our Employee Health Office, you will be required to complete and sign an Application Notification/Release of Information Form. A background check will then be performed subject to Windham Hospital Human Resources Department protocol. 5. Orientation - If you have met all the above requirements to volunteer, you will be contacted to set up an Orientation. During your orientation, placement details will be discussed and your photo will be taken for your identification badge. Upon successful completion of orientation a start date will be determined.
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