(231) 398-1000
Below is the volunteer information for MANISTEE HOSPITAL.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (231) 398-1187Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Volunteers add a special touch to the quality of care we provide at Manistee Hospital. A comforting smile or soothing voice are little things that can ease a patient through injury, illness, and recovery. As a volunteer with the Manistee Hospital Auxiliary, you not only make a difference in someone else's life but in your own life as well. With a team of about 100 members, the Manistee Hospital Auxiliary has served the hospital for more than 60 years, allowing staff more time to concentrate on direct patient care. Auxiliary meetings are held four times a year. Member attendance is requested but not mandatory. . For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit MANISTEE HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Greeting patients and visitors and helping them find their way to their destination in the hospital; Transporting patients or working as a surgical waiting room attendant; Staffing the Bits of Cheer Gift Shop with retail responsibilities; Supporting office functions with opportunities to work from home or in an office
Application Process: Auxiliary members working at Munson Healthcare Manistee Hospital are required to have a pre-employment screening that includes a urine drug screen, two-step TB test, and immunization tiers. In addition, all volunteers working in the hospital must receive an annual flu shot. All testing and vaccinations are provided free of charge by the hospital.
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