(319) 352-4120
Below is the volunteer information for WAVERLY HEALTH CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (319) 483-4076Volunteer Contact Email: MPitt@WaverlyHealthCenter.org
Volunteer URL: https://www.waverlyhealthcenter.org/joinourteam/volunteer/
Volunteer Information: If you are looking for a way to help your community, think about volunteering at Waverly Health Center! We depend on our volunteers to help us serve our community. You may choose how much time you would like to volunteer. Some volunteers work as little as one or two times a year, or as much as three times a week.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit WAVERLY HEALTH CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Auxiliary Board; Cardiopulmonary Rehab; Dining Room Dining Room Cashier; Freedom the Dog/WHC Mascot; Gift Garden Clerk; Gift Garden Assistant; Green Entrance Patient Escort; Information Desk; Music; Nutrition Services Aide; Office Work; Outpatient Surgery; Patient Ambassador; Pet Visitation; Phoning; Poster Delivery; Prayer Request Line; Quilting/Sewing; Red Entrance Patient Escort; SHIIP (Senior Health Insurance Information Program); Special Events Committees; Specialty Clinics; Treat Trolley; VIP Services; Volunteer Baking; Spiritual Care Team
Application Process: 1. Fill out the Volunteer Application Form and the Criminal Background Check Waiver (bring this with you to your interview). 2. Schedule an interview with volunteer services staff by calling (319) 483-4076. 3. Complete the volunteer orientation program. 4. Complete Volunteer Health Requirements: Volunteers must be current on vaccinations and free of communicable disease; Volunteers must complete a tuberculosis (TB) test and present the results to volunteer services before beginning service. We will provide the test free of charge; Volunteers must have a current flu vaccination before beginning service. We will provide the vaccination free of charge. 5. Complete position-specific training.
We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.
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