TAMPA FL, 33614
(813) 932-2222
Below is the volunteer information for FLORIDA HOSPITAL CARROLLWOOD.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (813) 615-7200 x88723Volunteer URL: https://www.floridahospital.com/carrollwood/volunteer
Volunteer Information: The volunteers at Florida Hospital Carrollwood play an integral role in our mission to extend the healing ministry of Christ to our community, and we greatly value their contribution. Donating a few hours of your time each week provides a wonderful way to become involved in your community while promoting wellness in your own life. Our Volunteer Services Department offers a number of flexible and rewarding volunteer opportunities.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit FLORIDA HOSPITAL CARROLLWOOD volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteer Program; College Volunteer Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Lobby host; Emergency Department; Waiting rooms; Surgical Waiting Room; Administrative Support; Patient care areas
Application Process: Adult Volunteer: Please complete the following steps: Review the Orientation Material; Complete Volunteer Application; Access and complete the HIPAA Quiz and Safety Quiz; If you’ve had a Tuberculosis (TB) test within the year, please bring verification to your interview. College Volunteer: If you are interested in volunteering please plan on the following: Review the Program Overview Information; Print and complete the Volunteer Application; Print and complete the HIPAA/Corporate Responsibility Quiz; Bring your photo I.D., completed application and HIPAA/Corporate Responsibility Quiz to the Information Session. If you have had a TB test within the year, please bring the verification document with you to the Information Session. Participation in the Information Session is open. No reservation is required.
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