Hospital Volunteer Network
Florida Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> TAMPA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL


6001 WEBB RD
TAMPA FL, 33615
(813) 888-7060

Below is the volunteer information for TAMPA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL.

Volunteer Contact Phone: (813) 329-6091
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Volunteering at Tampa Community Hospital is a rewarding and enriching experience. Our volunteers are committed community members who care about making a difference in the lives of others. We invite you to share your skills and talents.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit TAMPA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Information Desk, Gift Shop, Surgery Waiting Room, Emergency Room
Application Process: All applicants must be 18 or older. We do not require special skills or educational levels. Our program is designed to help you make the most of the skills you already possess and to develop your abilities. To become a volunteer, please call; 813-329-6091. Once we determine that we have an opening available that meet your and the hospital's needs, you will be contacted back to schedule an interview, which helps ensure you are placed in an area where you will gain the most satisfaction. You will be required to receive a health screening at no cost to you. Your training includes a general volunteer orientation and training sessions in your assigned area as well as a few other requirements.

We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.


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