(808) 691-1000
Below is the volunteer information for THE QUEENS MEDICAL CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (808) 691-4397Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Volunteers have been an integral part of the Queen's Medical Center for over 150 years. They provide invaluable services - never asking or expecting compensation. During an average month, over 300 volunteers give from their hearts to Queen's patients in 70 nursing units and departments.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit THE QUEENS MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteer Program; Teen Volunteer Program; Adult Summer Student Program; Teen Summer Student Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Pet Visitation; Mobile Library; Barber service; Wheelchair assistance; Gift Shop Assistance; Healing Touch and Reiki; Musical Healing; Patient information via Information Desk; Delivery of floral and gift baskets to patients; ER and Surgery Waiting Room liaison; Escorting and discharging of patients
Application Process: Minimum Volunteer Requirements Include: A commitment of at least 64 hours; A two step TB (tuberculosis) clearance; Attendance at an orientation session; Parental permission (if 15-18 years old); An agreement to serve with C.A.R.E. (Compassion, Aloha, Respect, and Excellence)
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