Hospital Volunteer Network
Arizona Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL WOUND HC


TUCSON AZ, 85745
(520) 205-7520

Below is the volunteer information for ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL WOUND HC.

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Volunteer Information: Have you ever wanted to make a difference in people’s lives? By volunteering at Carondelet, you can! As a volunteer, you’ll have a profound impact on every area of our hospitals, serving as a vital resource to our patients, families, visitors and employees. Carondelet offers a variety of volunteer opportunities that accommodate all schedules, including those of working adults, students and retirees.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL WOUND HC volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteer Program; Junior Volunteer Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Reception / information Desk Staff; Escort visitors from the main lobby; Assist Patients with Meal Selections; Medical / Surgical Intensive Care Unit Assistant; Neurological Unit Assistant; Eucharistic Ministers; OP Rehab Clerical Assistant; GI Lab Front Desk Assistant; Observation Unit Clerical Assistant; Greeter & Visitor Resource; Lost & Found Clerical Assistant; Surgery Lobby Liaison; Emergency Center Restocker; Cardiac Cath La/IR Waiting Area Assistant; Mail Room Assistant; OP Admitting Assistant; Post Op Phase II Unit Assistant
Application Process: Adult: 1. Be at least 18 years of age or older. 2. Agree to volunteer for a minimum of 100 hours in a one-year period. 3. Complete the online volunteer application, 4. Be willing to provide two letters of reference (please no relatives). 5. Interview with volunteer supervisor. 6. Pass a criminal background check. 7. Pass a drug screening. 8. Provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and chickenpox. 9. Be willing to receive an annual tuberculosis (TB) screening. 10. Be willing to receive an annual flu vaccination. 11. Complete an orientation and any additional training your placement may require. 12. Obtain picture ID badge. 13. Purchase volunteer uniform. 14. Adhere to Carondelet annual policies and procedures refresher course; Junior: 1. Obtain consent from a parent or guardian. 2. Provide two written personal or professional references (please exclude relatives). 3. Complete TB skin tests or provide TB clearance. 4. Provide an immunization record. 5. Attend orientation. 6. Complete the training manual. 7. Purchase a volunteer uniform. 8. Obtain a name badge. 9. Commit to 100 hours of service in a one-year period.

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