ATHENS GA, 30606
(706) 389-3000
Below is the volunteer information for ST MARY'S HOSPITAL.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (706) 389-2095Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: St. Mary’s Health Care System Auxiliary has openings for men and women who enjoy being of service to visitors in both hospital and non-hospital settings. As members of a friendly, supportive auxiliary, you can meet new people, make lasting friendships, and feel great about making a valuable contribution to the mission of St. Mary’s Health Care by being a compassionate, healing presence in our community.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit ST MARY'S HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Auxiliary Volunteer Program; College Student Volunteer Program; Teen Summer Volunteer Program; Hospice Volunteer Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Escort Service; Flower Desk; Visiting Angels; Gift Shop; St. Mary’s Auxiliary Thrift Store; Information Desk; Sunshine Service; Fundraising/Special Events Committee
Application Process: Complete and submit the online application; Someone from Volunteer Membership will contact you to set up an appointment (interviews are conducted on Tuesdays); Coordinate with the St. Mary’s Volunteer Office to choose a service area; Pay annual dues ($15); If you were born after 1957, you are required to show evidence of two MMR vaccinations, or provide results of a titer test showing adequate levels of immunity; Submit to a two-step negative TB screen; Attend an orientation session.
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