(404) 466-1170
Below is the volunteer information for WELLSTAR ATLANTA MEDICAL CENTER SOUTH.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (404) 265-4720Volunteer URL: https://www.wellstar.org/about-us/volunteers/pages/wellstar-atlanta-medical-center-volunteers.aspx
Volunteer Information: WellStar Atlanta Medical Center volunteers staff the information desk and gift shop at both Midtown and East Point locations. Volunteers also provide critical support to staff and nurses on hospital floors, in the emergency room and in the operating rooms. . For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit WELLSTAR ATLANTA MEDICAL CENTER SOUTH volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Information Desk, Gift Shop, ER, OR, Pastoral Care, Nursing Units
Application Process: One: Fill Out the Forms: 1. Complete the volunteer application form. 2. Have your physician complete and sign your medical release form. 3. Applicants born after 1957 must include immunization records. 4, Drop the forms off at the Department of Volunteer Services, or fax to 404-265-2493. 5. You can also mail the forms to: WellStar Atlanta Medical Center: Volunteer Services 303 Parkway Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30312. Two: Complete the Interview: 1. Complete and sign a background check permission form. 2. Talk about why you want to volunteer and specific areas of interest. 3. Some positions may require a second round of interviews. 4. Interviews are typically held between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 5. Learn about the requirements and benefits of being a volunteer. Three: Attend Orientation: 1. Learn hospital policies and procedures. 2. Learn about confidentiality and volunteer agreements. 3. Purchase uniform at Department of Volunteer Services.
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