Hospital Volunteer Network
District of Columbia Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> SIBLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL


(202) 537-4000

Below is the volunteer information for SIBLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL.

Volunteer Contact Phone: (202) 537-4485
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: When you use your time and talents in service to others, you make an impact that touches lives, including your own. As a volunteer at Sibley, you’ll meet new people, make lasting memories and learn to appreciate all that you have, and all that you have to offer. Why volunteer at Sibley? The answers vary. Some volunteers have been patients or have had family members who were patients here. They deeply appreciate the level of care they received, so they want to give back as a way of showing their gratitude. Others simply enjoy taking care of people and making a difference. We also have volunteers who are interested in pursuing healthcare careers and want to learn more about our environment. If you are friendly, open and caring, you may be an ideal candidate for our volunteer team. We have volunteers of all ages, beginning with junior volunteers (must be at least 15 years old) through senior-age adults. If possible, we ask our volunteers to commit to at least four hours of service per week. You’ll enjoy working in our exceptional atmosphere with caring, supportive team members. You’ll also find that the warmth and gratitude of our patients and staff will enrich your life and fill you with a sense of pride for contributing to the health and wellbeing of others.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit SIBLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteers; Junior Volunteers; Summer Volunteers
Volunteer Placements/Services: Administrative services; Community support groups; Delivery service (mail, flowers, gift cart); Emergency department; Guest relations representative; Information desk; Medical-surgical units; Outpatient services; Sibley Senior Association; Surgical waiting area; Widowed Persons Outreach; Center for Babies and Families
Application Process: All application forms should be submitted together. Incomplete application packets will not be filed or reviewed. Applicants will be contacted by email or phone for an interview. You may mail or personally deliver your application packet to the Volunteer Office. The Volunteer Office is located in the lobby of the Main Hospital Building. Interview: You will meet with the director of volunteer service to talk about the volunteer guidelines and medical requirements, ask questions, indicate your assignment preferences (if any) and set up orientation and training dates. You will take an open-note quiz over hospital policies and procedures. Applicants 18 and older will complete an authorization for a criminal background investigation. Medical Requirements: Annual PPD (Tuberculosis screening) for all Volunteers. Volunteers may have these tests at Sibley at no charge or may schedule the tests with a private physician at their own expense. Medical requirements must be completed BEFORE service begins. Parental/Guardian consent for PPD is required for those under the age of 18. Annual Influenza vaccination. Volunteers declining vaccination for medical or religious reasons must submit an appeal to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Medical Clearance form (must be completed on your behalf by a licensed provider). Training: Volunteer orientation (approximately two hours) and training in your service assignment (varies by department) is required before service begins.

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