(772) 589-3186
Below is the volunteer information for SEBASTIAN RIVER MEDICAL CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (772) 589-3186 x5011Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: At Sebastian River Medical Center we believe that volunteers are priceless treasures. We welcome volunteers from ages 15-90+. You're invited to join a dynamic group of 200 men, women, and young adults who serve at our hospital. Each volunteer brings his or her own special skills and experience, but shares a common purpose too. Our volunteers all have in common their willingness to help comfort patients and families and provide support to our staff. When you become a volunteer, you always receive more than you give and some of the most pleasant experiences enjoyed by our patients are moments given by volunteers.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit SEBASTIAN RIVER MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Ambulatory; Admitting area; Medical Staff office; Medical Records office; Messenger Dispatch; Diagnostic Center; PCU (Progressive Care Unit); Med Surg (Medical Surgical Unit); Endoscopy; Cardiopulmonary; Special events team; Courtesy cart / golf cart drivers; Emergency Department; Flower delivery; Gift shop; Information desk; Greeting hospital patients and visitors; Patient Discharge; Menu service; Volunteer Patient representative (visiting new patients and offering non-medical assistance); Waiting room greeters
Application Process: To apply please complete the appropriate application and schedule an interview by calling (772) 589-3186 ext. 5011.
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