(706) 485-2711
Below is the volunteer information for PUTNAM GENERAL HOSPITAL.
Contact Name: Marsha GrimesVolunteer Contact Phone: (706) 923-2028
Volunteer URL: http://www.putnamgeneral.com/getpage.php?name=volunteer_opps&sub=Patient%20Info
Volunteer Information: The volunteers of the Putnam General Hospital Auxiliary help provide the best possible care in both patient and non-patient areas of the hospital. Auxiliary members give of themselves, sharing their time and experiences in helping those in need. Auxiliary members also hold several events throughout the year to raise funds for the hospital. One popular community event funded by the Auxiliary is the annual flu drive, where free flu shots are administered to the public. Volunteers can become involved by working four-hour shifts every other week, although many enjoy working more.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit PUTNAM GENERAL HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
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