PALM BAY FL, 32907
(321) 434-8000
Below is the volunteer information for PALM BAY HOSPITAL.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (321) 434-8076Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: With 250+ active Volunteers, we support the Palm Bay Hospital operations year-round. We have Volunteers who are both year-round and seasonal residents. We ask for an annual commitment of at least 100 hours, usually fulfilled by weekly shifts of 3-4 hours duration.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit PALM BAY HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteer Program; Teen Volunteer Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Administrative Services, Courtesy Team, Emergency Department Information Desk, Emergency Department Unit-Support, Gift Shop, Guest Services, Hospitality, Joint Replacement Team, Nutritional Team, Pro-Health Palm Bay, Radiology Hospitality, Radiology Unit Support Staff, Rehabilitation Team, Spiritual Care Team, Surgical Guest Services Team, Surgical Materials, Surgical Reception, Surgical Unit-Support
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