CAMDEN AR, 71701
(870) 836-1000
Below is the volunteer information for OUACHITA COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (870) 836-1477Volunteer URL: https://www.ouachitamedcenter.com/auxiliaryvolunteers
Volunteer Information: The Ouachita County Medical Center Auxiliary provides several volunteer opportunities. There are several departments where Auxiliary members can put specific sets of skills to good use. Membership is open to all persons over the age of 18 who are interested. Active members pay annual dues of $4.00 and participate in active service programs of the auxiliary. To remain active, a member is required to work no less than twice each month, or 48 hours a year. . For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit OUACHITA COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Refreshment Cart; Information Desk; Admissions Desk; Runner; Careline; Gift Shop
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