(989) 731-2100
Below is the volunteer information for OTSEGO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL.
Contact Name: Kim BiddingerVolunteer Contact Phone: (989) 731-7769
Volunteer URL: https://myomh.org/volunteer/
Volunteer Information: Volunteers at Otsego Memorial Hospital must join the Otsego Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. The Auxiliary was formed with the Hospital in 1951 and donates more than $40,000 per year and hundreds of hours of service to OMH and McReynolds Hall annually. Volunteers may support the Auxiliary by becoming associate or active members. Volunteer opportunities with the OMH Auxiliary include the many fundraisers, working in the OMH Gift Shop, or becoming a greeter in the Hospital’s main lobby. The Auxiliary also has an annual scholarship program to support area students.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit OTSEGO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Department Specific Tasks; Greeters Program; Helping Hands (McReynolds Hall); OMH Gift Shop; Surgical Waiting Room Host/Hostess
Application Process: Participating in the OMH Auxiliary helps meet the needs of the hospital through service and support. Annual dues are $10 for an active member (volunteer requirement of 40 hours annually), $16 per couple, husband/wife active members; or $25 for an associate member (no minimum volunteer requirements), or $50 per couple.
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