NEWTON KS, 67114
(316) 283-2700
Below is the volunteer information for NMC HEALTH.
Contact Name: Suz McIverVolunteer Contact Phone: 3168046057
Volunteer Contact Email: suz.mciver@myNMCHealth.org
Volunteer URL: https://www.newtonmed.com/about-nmc/volunteer/
Volunteer Information:
WHO ARE OUR VOLUNTEERS? Whether you wish to support a department (i.e. finance, volunteer services, food service, facilities) or wish to meet the public (surgery waiting, front desk) or wish to help on the front lines (patient visits and family support) or have a special skill (music, massage, hair, fingernails, editing, photography, copy writing) or wish to do singular projects (holidays, sewing, crafts), we welcome you and your gifts!
Tell us what interests you because we have a place for you! My interests include:
Administrative & Clerical Volunteers
“The Face Of” NMC Health Volunteers
Patient Care/Family Volunteers Special Skills Volunteers
Project Volunteers
It matters to us who takes care of our patients, their families and our NMC Health team! We have excellent training and orientation for all who desire to become a volunteer. All volunteers are trained and supervised by Volunteer Services staff, and our goal is for every volunteer to be successful in their work!
. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit NMC HEALTH volunteer website now.We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.
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