(478) 994-2521
Below is the volunteer information for MONROE COUNTY HOSPITAL.
Volunteer URL: Information: The Monroe County Hospital Auxiliary was founded in 1973. The Auxiliary provides opportunities for adults to volunteer at the hospital. More than 24 members of diverse ages and backgrounds volunteer their time to provide support in different areas of the hospital. We manage The Peppermint Tree Gift Shop, provide assistance in the Radiology Department, read to the patients, assist with health fairs and Red Cross Blood Drives, decorate the hospital for Christmas, maintain the flowers at the front entrance of the hospital, and provide patients with welcome bags. The Auxiliary also raises money to help support various hospital requests with annual fundraising events that include a soup lunch, a masquerade jewelry sale, a linen sale, and book sale. The Auxiliary also helps the local community by assisting needy families during Christmas, raising money for the Relay for Life, and giving to the Gale V. "Buzz" Tanner Scholarship.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit MONROE COUNTY HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Application Process: Membership in the Monroe County Hospital Auxiliary is open to all persons eighteen years or older, who are interested in the Monroe County Hospital. Prospective members must submit an application to be approved by the applicant's physician and the Hospital Administrator/CEO. Completed applications may be submitted in person at the The Peppermint Tree Gift Shop or the Administration Office. Membership shall consist of active members only. We currenlty have 24 active members in the Auxiliary. Active members will participate in all activities of the Auxiliary, except in cases of temporary illness. Active Auxiliary members are required to complete a minimum of 18 hours work during each 3-month period. All members are urged to work at least 9 hours per month in the Hospital Gift Shop or X-Ray Department. Scheduled meetings will count as 2 hours and additional hours will be attained through work on committees and Auxiliary projects outside the hospital. The annual membership dues of the Auxiliary will be $10.00. Dues will be payable at the October meeting to the Treasurer. The club year will run from October to September. Members who have not paid dues will be notified by the Treasurer before the September meeting. Members failing to pay dues by the September meeting shall forfeit the right to vote in elections and hold office.
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