(641) 437-4111
Below is the volunteer information for MERCY MEDICAL CENTER - CENTERVILLE.
Contact Name: Mary Ann WhetmoreVolunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: The Mercy Auxiliary plays an important role in the hospital through various acitivities and services. The Auxiliary, winner of numerous awards as the Iowa Hospital Association Auxiliary of the Year, provides the following for patients and visitors. Services provided by the Mercy Auxiliary include: Gift Shop - located in the lobby; provides gifts, candy, personal and sundry items; Hostess Desk - located in the front lobby to assist patients and visitors; the hostess desk is maintained by the Auxiliary volunteers; Pediatric Tours - every year the Auxiliary conducts tours of the hospital for area school children; Health Screenings - the Auxiliary assists hospital personnel in various patient health screening programs; Scholarships - each spring the Auxiliary accepts applications and awards scholarships to individuals entering a licensed field of medicine.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit MERCY MEDICAL CENTER - CENTERVILLE volunteer website now.
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