(203) 679-5900
Below is the volunteer information for MASONIC HOME AND HOSPITAL.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (203) 679-5980; (203) 679-6253Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: A friendly smile and a helping hand can make a big difference in the life of an older adult. At Masonicare Health Center (MHC), we rely on the caring spirit of volunteers to help us in our mission to enhance quality of life through an exceptional continuum of person-centered care. That means treating every person as an individual. The volunteer team is approximately 400 members strong and ranges in age from 13 to 99. Come join our team.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit MASONIC HOME AND HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteer Program; Teen Volunteer Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Help on nursing communities; Transport residents to/from in-house appointments by wheelchair (Radiology, Physical Therapy, Beauty Salon); Assist with recreation activities; Make room-to-room visits with an activity cart; Paint nails; Help in our stores, café, or cafeteria; Provide IT support; Help in Child Development
Application Process: All volunteers must have a series of two Mantoux TB (PPD) tests, given for free in our clinic. During flu season, a flu shot is required. (Adults may have it done here, while teens must have it done by their own physician.) Volunteers must come for a brief interview and attend an orientation. Volunteers must be willing to make a commitment of performing 50 hours of community service. All volunteers must fill out an application and reference form. Adults: Adults must agree to a background check. (MHC residents are exempt from this requirement.) Volunteers are expected to make a commitment of 50 hours each year. Teens: Junior volunteers must be 13 years or older. In addition to the application, teens must fill out the Teen/Parental Permission form.
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