(303) 651-5111
Below is the volunteer information for LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (303) 651-5205Volunteer Contact Email: luhvolunteeroffice@centura.org
Volunteer URL: http://www.luhcares.org/About-Us/Volunteers.aspx
Volunteer Information: We are proud of our volunteers and the roles they play in our hospital. You willingness to share your time and talent makes a huge difference in the patient experience.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteer Program; Junior Volunteer Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Gift Shop; Therapy Animals in Loving Service (TAILS); Caring Clowns; Hand Arts; Music opportunities; Storycatchers; Patient Ambassador; Emergency Room Volunteer; Day Surgery; Entertainment Cart; Homestead Adult Daycare; Birthplace; Hospitality Cart; Transitions of Care; Intensive Care Unit (ICU); Main Welcome Desk; Surgery Waiting Room; Birthplace Welcome Desk; Registration Day Surgery; Health Center of Integrated Therapies; Human Resources; Volunteer Office; Messenger Service
Application Process: To become a volunteer, you must: Complete application; Interview with hospital staff; Pass TB and background screening, provided by the hospital; Have an annual flu vaccine; Purchase a volunteer shirt ($18) and payment of annual dues ($10); Follow the dress code of white or tan pants, capris, or skirts. No denim of blue jeans; Complete orientation
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