(808) 733-7912
Below is the volunteer information for LEAHI HOSPITAL.
Contact Name: Joan WatanabeVolunteer Contact Phone: (808) 733-7934
Volunteer Contact Email: jwatanabe@hhsc.org
Volunteer URL: https://leahi.hhsc.org/about-us/volunteers/
Volunteer Information: We accept volunteer applications all year round. Applicants must: Be 16 years of age or older; Commit to volunteering at least 4 months; Volunteer at least once a week for 2 hours; Pass a random drug test, confidential criminal background check and be fingerprinted (required for all Hawaii Health Systems Corporation volunteers).. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit LEAHI HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Activity Helpers, Seamstress, Hospital Lobby Greeter, Playing Ukulele or Piano, Help Residents do Crafts, Play Hanafuda or Mah Jong
Application Process: 1. Interested applicant completes the Application Form, Background Check Form, Drug Screen Authorization Form, and Acknowledgement Form. Additionally, minors must complete the Parental Consent Form for Minors. 2. Volunteer Coordinator reviews the Volunteer Application and refers application to hospital sections requesting for volunteers. 3. If the section is interested in the applicant, the applicant may be called in for an interview. 4. If the section accepts applicant, applicant is notified and asked to submit a current (within 12 months) 2-step tuberculosis test. Skin test is given free at Diamond Head Health Center, 3627 Kilauea Ave., Room 302, on Mondays from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Call 808-733-9220 for more information. Tuberculosis skin tests and chest x-rays are also given at Lanakila Health Center, 1700 Lanakila Ave. ground floor. Call 808-832-5731 for more information. 5. Human Resource Office at Leahi Hospital will make arrangements with the applicant to be fingerprinted and for random drug testing. 6. Applicants then complete: An orientation session with the Volunteer Services Coordinator or designee; Sign a volunteer agreement and view HIPAA Privacy video. 7. Applicant is assigned to a section, given a nametag, and welcomed as a new volunteer.
We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.
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