Hospital Volunteer Network
District of Columbia Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> LA CLINICA DEL PUEBLO


2831 15TH ST NW
(202) 462-4788

Below is the volunteer information for LA CLINICA DEL PUEBLO.

Contact Name: Anna Jeide
Volunteer Contact Phone: (202) 464-0159
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: For over thirty years, volunteers have played a vital role in ensuring that the Latino community in DC has access to culturally appropriate healthcare. We thank all volunteers past and present, for bringing their passion, time, and skills to La Clínica. There are many opportunities if you are interested in volunteering - whether you are a student looking for an internship, a working professional with some time off, or you just want to give back to the community. Volunteer opportunities range from long-term commitments working closely with staff to a one-time opportunity at one of our special events. Volunteering at La Clínica is a great way to learn about how the U.S. healthcare system works, the health needs of our community, and the programs created in response to the issues many Latino immigrants face.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit LA CLINICA DEL PUEBLO volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Medical & Patient services; Interpreting; Administrative Support; Development/Fundraising; Special Events
Application Process: 1) Send a volunteer application and a resume (optional) to 2) Allow 2-3 business days for us to determine if there is an opportunity available based on your interests, skills, and availability 3) If an opportunity is available, we will schedule an interview 4) If you are accepted as a volunteer, you will need to provide proof of a negative PPD test or a positive PPD test with a negative chest x-ray (Not required for one-time volunteer opportunities, or those volunteering for less than 8 weeks)

We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.


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