Hospital Volunteer Network
Maryland Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> HOWARD COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL


(410) 740-7890

Below is the volunteer information for HOWARD COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL.

Volunteer Contact Phone: (410) 884-4580
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Howard County General Hospital is proud of its 300-plus active volunteers who can be found assisting departments throughout the hospital. Our volunteers are a team of caring, enthusiastic and dedicated individuals who go a long way in assisting the hospital achieve its mission. Our volunteers are a key part of the hospital's success, visiting patients, assisting family members and working with the hospital staff. Whether taking magazines and books to patients, staffing the hospital’s gift shop, helping visitors find their way, or aiding a staff member with paperwork, our volunteers are an integral part of our care team, providing hope and cheer to both staff and patients. Volunteers receive more in return for their time than they could imagine. Retirees find a newfound sense of purpose as they share the wisdom they've gained and students learn important lessons about being active community members, gain knowledge of the health care system and experience the excitement of working in a hospital. Friendship and fulfillment are among the additional bonuses in what is an intensely rewarding experience.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit HOWARD COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Book Cart; Chaplaincy Services; Claudia Mayer/Tina Broccolino Cancer Resource Center; Emergency Department; Greeter/Wayfinder; Information Desk; Journey to Better Health Program; Office/Clerical Support; Patient Care Units; Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy; Gift Shop; Surgical Family Waiting Area
Application Process: 1. Submit an application. 2. Interview with the Manager and/or Coordinator of Volunteer Services. 3. Complete a volunteer packet: 1. Background Check Form, 2. Volunteer Agreement, 3. Emergency Contact Form, 4. Three Personal References (not related to you). 4. Obtain a Medical Clearance through the Hospital’s Occupational Health Office consisting of: 1. Two PPD/TB (tuberculosis) skin tests done free of charge by OH (a 2-week process). 2. Review of your Immunization Records. You must show proof that you have had 2 doses of Mumps, Measles, Rubella (MMR) and 2 doses of Varicella. Titers (blood work done at your own expense) showing the immunity levels for both MMR and Varicella are acceptable in lieu of vaccination records. 3. Pass a urine drug screen (free of charge). 4. Flu shot (required during flu season only). 5. Attend volunteer orientation (3-hour session). 6. Complete required online training. 7. Acquire a photo ID Badge & uniform (once orientation & online training have been completed). 8. Meet the supervisor for your service area and begin training.

We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.


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