(678) 604-1000
Below is the volunteer information for PIEDMONT HENRY HOSPITAL.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (678) 604-5202Volunteer Contact Email: PHH.VolunteerApps@piedmont.org
Volunteer URL: https://www.piedmont.org/volunteers/piedmont-henry/henry-volunteer-opportunities
Volunteer Information: As a volunteer, you enjoy the opportunity and personal satisfaction of serving as an integral member of the healthcare team at Piedmont Henry Hospital. Auxiliary Volunteers are people like you! Homemakers, career-oriented, retired professionals - of all ages currently participate in the Auxiliary. Piedmont Henry Hospital’s Volunteer Services and Auxiliary have always been vital to our success. There are about 150 spirited members of the community who give more than 35,000 hours of valuable service each year.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit PIEDMONT HENRY HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Ambulatory; Gift Shop; Greeter; The Information Desk
Application Process: Must be an adult ages 19 and above and be committed to serving others; Ability to donate time and skills to support the work of the paid hospital staff; Friendly and outgoing personality; Complete a Volunteer Application; Background check; Attend Orientation; Complete a physical offered free of charge by the Employee Health Nurse
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