(517) 543-1050
Below is the volunteer information for HAYES GREEN BEACH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL.
Contact Name: Mary HoganVolunteer Contact Phone: (517) 543-1050 x52409
Volunteer Contact Email: mhogan@hgbhealth.com
Volunteer URL: https://www.hgbhealth.com/careers/volunteering
Volunteer Information: The Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital "Generosity Guild" is the volunteer organization for people who donate their time to HGB. Some Generosity Guild volunteers work four hours a month, while others prefer to have a shift every week. Generosity Guild volunteers live up to their name by donating their skills and their talents to support our community hospital. They lend a hand wherever help is needed, from greeting family and visitors as they arrive or wheeling patients to waiting cars to filling a shift at the Gift Basket or helping in one of the offices. Volunteers are people who make a difference, setting an example of generosity for all of us. As a volunteer at HGB, you'll enjoy many rewards. You will feel a sense of accomplishment, learn new skills, meet new people, make new friends, and make an invaluable contribution to your community. Volunteers have the opportunity to match their skills and interests with meaningful assignments. As part of the healthcare team, volunteers broaden and diversify staff efforts to meet the hospital's goal of providing comprehensive healthcare. There are many areas in which volunteer help is needed, and scheduling is very flexible.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit HAYES GREEN BEACH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Auxiliary; Gift Basket; Courtesy Volunteers; Office Volunteers
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