Hospital Volunteer Network
Connecticut Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> HARTFORD HOSPITAL


(860) 545-5000

Below is the volunteer information for HARTFORD HOSPITAL.

Volunteer Contact Phone: (860) 972-2198
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Volunteer services reported 94,202 hours from 1037 Volunteers in 240 areas of the organization. Volunteers’ contribution of time is equivalent to 47 F.T.E.s. Contribution of time in dollars is equal to $2.6 million based on a dollar value as assigned by the Independent Sector. 44,000 hours were served in direct patient care roles by 655 volunteers. 76 teen volunteers completed our summer program in 2016. 54 volunteers serve annually on hospital advisory boards. 22 Hartford Hospital employees volunteered during their off-work time, contributing 618 hours to programs that enhance the patient experience and offer opportunities to engage employees beyond their work day. Hartford Hospital Pet Therapy teams contributed 3400 hours of service to our patients and staff. 61% of the volunteer workforce is Female. The median age of a Hartford Hospital volunteer (for those who provided dates of birth), is 39. 4% of our current volunteers are over the age of 60. Our oldest active volunteer is 92. 4 active volunteers have served greater than 60 years each. Volunteer Services received 2053 applications during the last fiscal year.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit HARTFORD HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Adult Volunteer Program; College Students Program; Summer VolunTEEN Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Bed Safety Volunteer; Book Cart; Clerical Positions; Hospitality; Information Desk; Keeping in Touch Program; Mobility is Medicine; No One Dies Alone; Patient Representatives; Patient Transportation; Pet Therapy; Reiki; Surgical Family Lounge
Application Process: The first step is to obtain the necessary volunteer application forms. These forms are available below or by contacting the Volunteer Services Office. We will review the information you provided, and if we feel that there is a position open that you could fill, we will contact you to set up an interview. If you accept a position you will be required to attend an orientation. During orientation we will provide information about the volunteer positions that are open, the department of Volunteer Services, and the policies and procedures of Hartford Hospital. After attending orientation and deciding to pursue a volunteer position at Hartford Hospital, the adult then calls to schedule an individual interview with a department manager to discuss interests, skills, and availability.

We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.


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