Hospital Volunteer Network
Illinois Hospital Volunteer Opportunities >> HAMMOND HENRY HOSPITAL


(309) 944-6431

Below is the volunteer information for HAMMOND HENRY HOSPITAL.

Contact Name: Julie West
Volunteer Contact Phone: (309) 944-9130
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: The purpose of the Hammond-Henry Hospital Volunteer Program is to provide extra hands to assist patients, residents and family during their time at Hammond-Henry Hospital. You will find volunteers in many areas of the hospital - caring and generous people with a multitude of talents providing many services. Through the years, volunteers have been an integral part of Hammond-Henry Hospital. To continue to be so in the future, we need volunteers who can offer compassion and care to our patients and residents as well as their talents in others areas. Volunteering can help you make a difference in the lives of others. If you are looking to volunteer in a caring and friendly organization, consider becoming part of our team.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit HAMMOND HENRY HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Patient Involvement Services: Courier (inter office deliveries within the hospital); Floor (delivering water and mail to patients and residents); Activities (such as bingo, playing piano, and special programs); Surgical waiting room; Staff Services/Patient Involvement: Filing in Imaging, Patient Accounts and Health Information Records; Answering Phones in departments; Assisting with mailing; Assembling educational materials; Courier service to the Colona Clinic and to Orion; Public/Staff Services: Outpatient Clinics; Information Desk; Gift Shop; Health Screenings; Shuttle Volunteer; Flower Committee
Application Process: Becoming a Volunteer: Applications are available at the Volunteer Office or by emailing; Call 944-9130 for an interview appointment; Attend an Volunteer Orientation; Make a commitment to volunteer at least once or twice a month.

We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.


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