(563) 252-1121
Below is the volunteer information for GUTTENBERG MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (563) 252-1121Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Volunteering is the greatest gift you can give. It’s also a great way to meet new people, use the skills you’ve acquired over a lifetime - even learn new skills. Best of all, you feel the satisfaction of knowing you make a wonderful difference in people’s lives. The GMH Auxiliary supports the hospital in achieving its Mission to improve the health and wellness of the communities we serve. Founded in 1953, today the Auxiliary has more than 100 members. They help patients and their families in many ways, from volunteering in our Gift Shop to help with fundraising activities.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit GUTTENBERG MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Awarding three $300 scholarships each year to students at Clayton Ridge High School and Edgewood-Colesburg High School who plan to enter the medical field after graduation; Awarding three $200 scholarships each year to GMH employees or community members who wish to continue their education or start a new career in health care; Supporting our After Prom Program and Red Ribbon Week at local schools; Easter Basket sales; Christmas Bazaar
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