MOSCOW ID, 83843
(208) 882-4511
Below is the volunteer information for GRITMAN MEDICAL CENTER.
Contact Name: Kim MalmVolunteer Contact Phone: (208) 883-6231
Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: We recognize that a strong volunteer program enhances the patient experience, improves satisfaction for both staff and patients, and strengthens the community. What volunteers receive is just as important: a fun, caring place that recognizes their time and talents while giving back to others. From our high school Junior Volunteers to our Auxilians, from our Cancer Resource Center volunteers to our interns, more than 500 individuals support Gritman Medical Center through their volunteer efforts. As a volunteer, you are considered a member of the Gritman family, and as such have certain responsibilities to the Medical Center and it patients. You are required to observe the same code of ethics as those on the professional staff, to adhere to the Medical Center's policies and procedures, and to uphold patient confidentiality. Our volunteers also raise money in a variety of ways and proudly reinvest it in services, equipment, the community, and in each other. Our volunteers contribute locally and globally to outreach programs. Everyday our volunteers donate their time and energy so that Gritman Medical Center can fulfill its mission of providing exceptional healthcare. We invite you to join us.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit GRITMAN MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Administrative assistance; Admitting Desk; Bertie’s Gift Shoppe; Cancer Resource Center; Information Desk
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