(386) 917-5000
Below is the volunteer information for FLORIDA HOSPITAL FISH MEMORIAL.
Contact Name: Kathleen OhlandVolunteer Contact Phone: (386) 917-5070
Volunteer Contact Email: Kathleen.Ohland@fhfm.org
Volunteer URL: https://www.floridahospital.com/fish-memorial/our-location/volunteer
Volunteer Information: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial’s Volunteer Services is made up of volunteers who have been an integral part of the hospital since 1994. Volunteers share a common goal of providing aid and comfort to patients and their families. These men and women provide volunteer support and raise funds to benefit the hospital community as a whole.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit FLORIDA HOSPITAL FISH MEMORIAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Emergency Department; Employee Health; Endoscopy; Gift Shop; Human Resources; ICU; Information/Reception Desks; Laboratory; Marketing and Public Relations; Med Surg; Oncology; Outpatient Clinic; PCU; Pastoral Care; Radiology; Rehab Services/Wellness; Reception Desk; Shuttle Services; Surgical Services; Wound Care
Application Process: To become an active member of the Florida Hospital Fish Memorial Volunteer Services, you must: Be at least 16 years old; Complete an application form and background check; Be interviewed by the Volunteer Services; Receive comprehensive training; Earn a minimum of 60 volunteer hours each year including training, orientation and membership meetings; Purchase a Volunteer Service uniform
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