(404) 501-1000
Below is the volunteer information for DEKALB MEDICAL CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (404) 501-5956Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: DeKalb Medical's Volunteer Program is a vital part of our organization and is not just for retirees! In fact, our volunteers are men and women of all ages - people in their teens, 20s, 30s and beyond. The contribution of time and caring made by our volunteers enables us to provide patients with an even higher level of care and attention. Four hours of service per week is the minimum amount of time requested. Attendance at quarterly training and inservice meetings is also required. Whether you're interested in healthcare or simply are looking for a rewarding experience, we think you'll find what you're looking for as a volunteer at one of our facilities.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit DEKALB MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Auxilian Program; College Program
Volunteer Placements/Services: Dogwood Gift Shop; Nursing Units - Volunteer Visitor; Courtesy Cart; Diagnostic Imaging Center (DIC); Emergency Department (ED); Clerical
Application Process: Submit a complete application; Provide two letters of reference from non-family members; Submit to a criminal background check; Submit a medical clearance form completed by your personal physician; Interview with a Volunteer Services Staff Member; Commit to a minimum of one year of service for four hours per week; Select a specific weekly service area and volunteer schedule; Attend a two-hour volunteer orientation; Submit to a T-SPOT blood test for Tuberculosis at orientation; Participate in annual T-SPOT blood test each spring; Participate in an annual influenza vaccination each fall; Pay annual dues of $15 (collected at orientation and due annually each summer); Purchase a volunteer uniform from Volunteer Services for $30 (collected at orientation); All new volunteers are on a 90-day trial period; Volunteer Services makes the final decision in placing a volunteer.
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