(989) 583-4803
Below is the volunteer information for COVENANT MEDICAL CENTER.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (989) 583-4189Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: The volunteers who serve at Covenant HealthCare prove that anyone can be a hero just by giving a little bit of themselves to people in need. Volunteers help Covenant fulfill its mission to serve the individuals and the community that depend on them. Just like its staff and patients, Covenant volunteers represent all ages, cultures and backgrounds. Volunteers provide a dimension of care and service to patients as well as empathy for families and visitors - while supporting staff and physicians in an effort to provide quality care. Covenant is looking for individuals who want to share their time and talent and help those in need. Covenant volunteers assist in providing a variety of services that benefit patients, family members, visitors, Covenant staff, and members of the medical staff.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit COVENANT MEDICAL CENTER volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Clerical/Office Support - Breast Diagnostic Center, Business Development, Cardiac Research, Clerical, Diabetic Education, Pastoral Care, VNA - Hospice, Wound Healing Center; Patient Interaction - Cancer Care/Infusion Therapy, Cancer Resource Center, Canine Therapy, RNICU Cuddler, Emergency Care Center, Eucharistic Minister, Fall Prevention Volunteer, Gift Cart, Greeter, Helping Hands/Pediatric Play Therapy, Imaging & Diagnostics, Medical Pulmonary Volunteer, Medical Volunteer (6Main), Outpatient Surgery, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Recreational Therapy, VNA - Hospice, Wayfinders; Non-Patient Interaction - Child Care Center, Nutrition Services/Greeter, Popcorn, Reach Out and Read, Skywalk Cafe, Surgical Waiting, Trauma Department - Safety City; Staff Support - Gift Shop, Grounds Keeping, Information Desk, Messenger/Mail Delivery, Respiratory Therapy; Special Events/Committees - Covenant Kids, Harvest Gathering, Red Carpet, Special Services, Spring Fling, Tree of Love, Volunteer Advisory Board; Special Projects (Patterns Available) - Knitting (Newborn Hat, Toe Warmer, Heart Monitor Holder), Crocheting (Newborn Hat, Toe Warmer), Sewing (Twiddle Blankets -sew, knit, or chrochet)
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