(970) 242-0920
Below is the volunteer information for COMMUNITY HOSPITAL.
Contact Name: Randy KrauseVolunteer Contact Phone: (970) 644-3541
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Volunteers are an essential part of Community Hospital. They bring to our patients, visitors, employees and physicians their own unique qualities, time and energy. It is our hope that our volunteers find the satisfaction and personal fulfillment that come with serving others and being a part of a worthwhile cause. . For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit COMMUNITY HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Volunteer Programs: Student Volunteer Program; Adult Volunteer Program
Application Process: Complete the application and return to the Volunteer Services department; Two written recommendations from others who are not relatives need to be submitted prior to your acceptance into the program. The person making the recommendation must mail the completed form directly to the volunteer director in the selfâ€addressed, stamped envelope provided; You will need to complete an interview with the volunteer director, or a person designated by the director; You will attend a full orientation for 1 1/2 days. These are scheduled every 2 weeks; You will receive a uniform, personal name badge and parking pass if needed; Documentation of mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR)history and a tuberculosis screening is required. A TST screening by the Occupational Health department or documentation of this test within the last 12 months is required by law. If the screening is needed, Community Hospital will pay for it. This involves an injection under the skin of the forearm. Seventyâ€two hours after the injection, the volunteer applicant must return to the Occupational Health department to have their test read.
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