(720) 255-0208
Below is the volunteer information for CENTURA HEALTH - ORTHOCOLORADO HOSPITAL.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (720) 321-4070Volunteer URL: https://www.centura.org/locations/orthocolorado-hospital/volunteer-opportunities
Volunteer Information: OrthoColorado has an enormous commitment to bringing our community the very best in care, paired with highest level of compassion. Part of that care and compassion comes from our many volunteers who are making a difference in someone's day, every day. It doesn't take much of your time to make a dramatic impact. As a volunteer, you can be the warm, empathetic difference between a frightening experience and a caring, pleasant one. Whether you are helping in the gift shop, welcoming people at our front desk, walking with someone to a testing area or quietly holding a hand in the waiting room, you are always good medicine.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit CENTURA HEALTH - ORTHOCOLORADO HOSPITAL volunteer website now.
Application Process: 1. Complete an Online Volunteer Application. Register Online for a Volunteer Information Session. Upon submitting your online application, you will receive a confirmation with a link where you can register for an information session. You must attend a session within six months of submitting your online application. Due to the uniqueness of volunteering in a hospital including the commitment level and regulatory guidelines to which volunteers must adhere, all prospective volunteers are required to attend this session prior to moving on in the application process. When you attend, you will meet staff from OrthoColorado Hospital Volunteer Services Department, hear more about volunteer opportunities, go over remaining documentation requirements and ask questions about the application process. Because of the potential for exposure to confidential information which may be obtained directly or indirectly concerning patients, doctors or personnel, every applicant is required to undergo a background check. All volunteer applicants must sign a background check form at the information session. The Volunteer Services Department also requires immunization records, flu-shot documentation, TB testing and two personal references. All of these forms will be available for you at this session. 3. Welcome. You're a Volunteer. Once you have successfully completed the background check and all documentation has been submitted and approved, your volunteer placement will be confirmed and you will receive your first volunteer assignment. That's all there is to it. We'll make sure you have all the orientation and training you need, provide you with a uniform if necessary and arrange for your parking.
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