KAILUA HI, 96734
(808) 263-5500
Below is the volunteer information for ADVENTIST HEALTH CASTLE.
Volunteer Contact Phone: (808) 263-5252Volunteer Contact Email:
Volunteer URL:
Volunteer Information: Founded in 1963, Adventist Health Castle’s (AHCS) Volunteer Services has grown into a dedicated family of friends and community members. These volunteers, ranging in age from teens to seniors, assist our health care team in providing quality care for our patients. AHCS volunteers provide a wide range of services in both our patient and non-patient areas. In addition to serving others, many volunteers enjoy the numerous opportunities for socializing with each other. AHCS volunteers typically contribute four or more hours of their time each week. This partnership of caring volunteers and dedicated staff helps us meet both the medical and emotional needs of our patients. Helping others with a warm smile and a generous heart is what our Volunteer Services is all about.. For more information about volunteer opportunities at this hospital, visit ADVENTIST HEALTH CASTLE volunteer website now.
Volunteer Placements/Services: Escort Services; Gift Gallery; Emergency Department (ED); Information Desk; Wellness Center; Ambulatory Surgery; Mail Delivery
Application Process: To be a volunteer at Adventist Health Castle, you need to meet a few minimum requirements. You must: Be 16 years of age or older; Commit to a minimum of six months of service, or to a period as a summer volunteer; Be able to volunteer for one four-hour shift per week (but you cannot volunteer for more than twelve hours per week); Have a current 2-Step TB test (two separate TB tests done within the last year) or a chest X-ray (when appropriate); Have medical clearance from a physician (a form will be provided); Wear full-length white slacks, jeans, or scrub pants; and wear covered shoes and socks of any color. Please be advised that we conduct criminal background and sex offender checks on all volunteers. Individuals who are recovering from alcohol/chemical dependency or any behavioral disorder will be eligible to participate in the volunteer program after at least one year of continuous recovery. You apply to be a volunteer at Adventist Health Castle by completing our on-line volunteer application form.
We are looking for as much volunteer information as possible on this hospital. If you are familiar with volunteering program at this hospital or find that we have incorrect information, please use the COMMENT form below and let us know. Your comments may be published on the website if they are helpful to our visitors.
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